Competitive Bidding Framework for Solar and Wind Small Power Projects-Tanzania

On 29th February, 2016, the Authority approved the Competitive Bidding Framework for Solar and Wind Small Power Projects (SPP) under the Second Generation SPP Framework. Under this framework, proposals for competitive tendering will be accepted for projects to generate between 1 MW and 10 MW using Wind and Solar generation technologies, or hybrid systems, while Solar and Wind SPPs of capacity up to 1 MW will be exempted from competitive bidding. Tariffs for Solar and Wind SPPs up to 1 MW will be based on the approved REFIT of a 500 kW biomass project connected to the Main Grid PLUS a 5% premium and a 15 % premium for those connected to Isolated Mini Grid;

In order to give the framework the legal status, the Authority is in the process of gazetting the approved Electricity (Development of Small Power Projects) Rules, 2016 and the approved Small Power Projects Tariff Order 2016. Furthermore, it is also anticipated that MEM  will establish the Electricity Infrastructure Procurement Coordinator (EIPC) as recommended in the Draft Electricity (Establishment of EIPC) Regulations, 2015 after gazetting the Regulations. Immediately after the Rules and Regulations are published in the Government Gazette, and the EIPC is appointed a competitive procurement of solar and wind SPPs will start by EIPC issuing a Request for Qualifications.

Please see the following documents for details:

Legal Framework Documents

Concept Paper – Wind and Solar SPP Solicitation 2016

The Electricity (Development of Small Power Projects) Rules – 2016

Small Power Purchase Tariff Order 2016

Standardized Power Purchase Agreement

Bidding Documents

Request for Qualifications

RFQ – Wind and Solar SPP Solicitation 2016

Existing and Future DNO System Information

Request for Proposal

RFP – Wind and Solar SPP Solicitation 2016

Wind and Solar RFP Forms 1-17- for Solar Facilities 2016

Wind and Solar RFP Forms 1-17- for Wind Facilities 2016

Forms for Qualified Bidders LRA 1 – 14

Forms for Preferred Bidders LRA 15 – 21

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