Natural Gas Infrastructure | Licencing and Application | Regulatory Tools | Tariff | Complaints and Disputes Resolutions
General Information
The Authority is responsible for regulating midstream and downstream natural gas activities that include processing, transportation, storage and distribution of natural gas in Mainland Tanzania. The regulated infrastructures include processing plants, transmission and distribution pipelines, and storage facilities.
Tanzania has been exploring for natural gas for more than 50 years. The first natural gas discovery in Tanzania was made in 1974 on the Songo Songo Island (Lindi Region) followed by a second discovery at the Mnazi Bay (Mtwara Region) in 1982. The natural gas from Songo Songo was first commercialized in 2004 and the natural gas from Mnazi Bay in 2006. The commercialization of the two discoveries propelled further gas exploration both onshore and offshore.
Four service providers are actively carrying out midstream and downstream natural gas activities. These are The Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), Songas Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited (PAET), and Maurel & Prom (M&P). Other service providers that are still exploring in offshore and onshore are Ophir Energy plc, Shell/BG Group plc (BG), Statoil, ExxonMobil, and Ndovu Resources (Aminex).
As of March 2016, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals confirmed that the discovered natural gas reserves amount to 57.25 trillion standard cubic feet (TCF).
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